RMB designs
Freelance Creative
(Norwich / London)
Graphic Designer
(Norwich / London)
Creative Life // Archant
Graphic Designer
Atticus Creative
Junior Designer
Franklynshaw Associates
Media Co-ordinator
Storehouse magazine
Editorial Designer
Webb & Webb
Design Intern
Graduate & London
Fashion Week
Events Team (London)
Having completed a 4 year BA(hons) Graphic Design degree at Norwich University of the Arts, I went on to work in both smaller and large design agencies, as well as the sole designer in private companies. Having a breadth of experience in both the corporate and uncommercial ventures.
As an integrated designer I cover a variety of areas of design so get in contact, to find out how we can work together, to help your design needs.
I am currently open for freelance projects so get in touch. Should you like a full copy of my CV or Portfolio of work, please do reach out via the contact form